The SIAM student chapter is starting a faculty lecture series this year with monthly lectures from various faculty members at NCSU. The lectures will be informal introductions to topics in applied mathematics that are typically not taught in classes. It provides a great way to broaden your knowledge of active research topics and engage with professors in the department. Information about the talks will be posted on the new Faculty Lecture Series page.
First SIAM Student Chapter Lecture
The SIAM student chapter is starting a faculty lecture series this year with monthly lectures from various faculty members at NCSU. The lectures will be informal introductions to topics in applied mathematics that are typically not taught in classes. It provides a great way to broaden your knowledge of active research topics and engage with professors in the department.
Our first lecture will be “Randomized methods in linear algebra with applications to uncertainty quantification” by Alen Alexanderian. It is going to be on Wednesday September 14th from 4:30-5:30 in SAS 1108.
Peng Chen on ICES
Peng Chen who is visiting from the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) at UT Austin. He will talk about ICES and the work he is doing there, questions are welcomed. The talk will be in Poe 532 on Thursday September 8th from 1:30-2:30. Pizza will be served.